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Integer Programming-Based Compound Control Allocation for Near-Space Vehicles
Yanpeng PAN, Yingbo LI, Xueting ZHANG, Lili TAN
Modern Defense Technology    2023, 51 (2): 43-48.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2023.02.005
Abstract3216)   HTML225)    PDF (1109KB)(314)       Save

This study aims to achieve the heterogeneous direct force/aerodynamic force compound control of near-space vehicles (NSVs). As conventional compound control of NSVs ignores the difference in heterogeneous characteristics of the executive body, the actual control performance cannot fulfill the expectation, and the method faces the problems of significant attitude oscillation and great energy consumption of the reaction control system (RCS). Hence, a compound control allocation method based on 0-1 integer programming is proposed. With this method, the moment realization problem of RCS allocated by direct force/aerodynamic force compound control is changed to a 0-1 integer programming problem. In this way, the control allocation problem of the heterogeneous execution body can be effectively addressed. The simulation indicates that the proposed method can effectively reduce energy consumption and attitude oscillation.

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